It is high time to know the Degree 2nd Year Result 2023 session 2018-19. Hopefully, you have done well in the exam and now it is time to know the result.
Here in our article, we will discuss all the degree 2nd year exam results or NU degree second year result 2023.
If your academic session is 2021-2022 then you came to the right place to know Degree pass and certificate course 2nd year exam result.
National University degree 2nd year routine 2023 was published on this year 19th Feb 2023. The 3 years graduation course in Bangladesh is pretty popular. The amazing fact is NU also provide student scholarship for brilliant results.
The National University degrees are given in total 8 disciplines and they are shown below:
- Social Science
- Humanities
- Biological Science
- Education
- Commerce and Business administration
- Physical Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Law & Computer technology
We know you are looking for the Degree 2nd Year Result 2023 on Google that has recently been published on the National University website. However, it is confusing to find out the result and know more about this.
No worries, today we will tell you how you can easily get the National University Degree result (2nd year). All you need to do is to read between the lines of our article.
How to Check Degree 2nd Result 2023
If you are new and don’t know how to check the degree 2nd year result of this year, then we must let you know about two methods.
One of the popular methods to know the Degree 2nd Year Result 2023 is to go to the Nu official website
The second way is to use your mobile phone and send SMS. Afterward, the NU authority will also send you the result
You can get your Nu degree result in both ways, however, the popular way is to browse the official site and get results. One important thing you should come to know is that the result is normally published at 4.00 PM.
Therefore, at that time usually, the service will be overloaded with huge visitors.
Degree 2nd year result published date 2023

You will be surprised to know that more than 4.5 lac students sit for the Degree pass & Certificate Course 2nd-year exam. The number of exam centers is also huge are a total of 683 exam centers from all over Bangladesh.
Degree 2nd year exam held on 2nd July 2023 and finishes on 6th August 2023. Commonly, we know that the NU publishes every academic result within 60 days. Therefore, we expect that the result will publish on 2nd December 2023 at 4 PM.
On the following academic calendar, the Degree 2nd year exam result will publish in August 2023.
Degree 2nd Year exam 2023 | Date & Month |
Exam will start
| 04th April 2023
The exam will be finished
| 25th May 2023
Degree 2nd year result publish date | 24 August 2023 |
How to Check Degree 2nd Year Result 2023 Online
If you had never been to visit the official website of NU then don’t worry it is so easy to find the Degree 2nd Year Result 2023 online. So, let’s get started on how you can do this.
- First, you will need to go to the National University ( website.
- On that website, you will find the result option in the top right corner. So click on it

- A few moments later, a new page will load and there you will find many exam options. The first option would be Degree result so click there again.

- Once you will click there then another option will appear and you will choose Degree 2nd year.

- Afterward, a new dialog box will pop up where you can search for your specific result or individual result.
To get this NU Degree 2nd Year Result 2023, you will need to put the following details.
- Registration number
- Your exam year
- Captcha

National University Degree Result 2023 by SMS
If you don’t want to browse the website and want to get the result via mobile phone SMS then you can easily do this. To collect the Degree 2nd year result 2023, there are a few conditions.
First off, your mobile balance should be at least 3tk. Because the SMS charge is 3tk/- so you should top up for NU Result teletalk, when you have a zero balance on your mobile.
The SMS sending process of Degree 2nd year 2023 result is given below.
- The first step is to go to your mobile phone message option
- Afterward, type NU then keep a space type DEG (again space) then type Degree Exam Roll Number
- Finally, send it to 16222
Now let’s give you an example:
Example: NU DEG 123456
Grading System Degree 2nd Year Result 2023
The Degree 2nd year grading system is somewhat different compared to SSC and HSC grading systems. Therefore, many of you become confused to understand.
No worries, we will make it easy for you to understand. Also, you can able to find your expected grade on the exam. After getting to know the grading system, you can prepare your plan for a better result.
The best result is less than 80% marks or equivalent to 75%
On the flip side, the least mark is 40% which is a passing mark. If you don’t have a minimum of 40% marks then you will get an F grade which is a Fail.
To give you the proper understanding, we have a detailed table of grading points so let’s have a look
Numerical Grade | Letter Grade(LG) | Grade point(Gp) |
80% or above | A+ (Plus) | 4.00 |
75% to less than 80% | A (Plain) | 3.75 |
70% to less than 75% | A- (Minus) | 3.50 |
65% to less than 70% | B+ (plus) | 3.25 |
60% to less than 65% | B (Plain) | 3.00 |
55% to less than 60% | B- (Minus) | 2.75 |
50% to less than 55% | C+ (Plus) | 2.50 |
45% to less than 50% | C (Plain) | 2.25 |
40% to less than 45% | D (Plain) | 2.00 |
<40%(less than 40%) | F (Fail) | 0.00 |
Re-Scrutiny Process/ Degree Result 2023 Correction
Many of the students don’t have good results in their NU Degree 2nd year, so there is a good chance to sit for those exams once again. It is called the re-scrutiny process.
By following this process, you can easily re-validate the past result and improve it with better marks.
So do you want to retake the Degree exam once again?
Well, if you want to do this then you will pay 500 tk extra. Let’s take you to the instruction on how to do this.
How to apply for Re-Scrutiny:
We have already told you that you will need to spend 500 tk for the result evaluation. Every student should how to apply for the re-scrutiny. To apply it, you can only pay the payment via Sonali Bank only, and others bank payment is not acceptable.
Check also: NU Degree 1st Year Result 2023