Honours 2nd Year Result 2023 Marksheet has been published. Honours 2nd Year Result 2023 has achieved excellent success and has placed a great emphasis on the quality of education. Pass rate to 92.66%. The students’ good results are a clear sign that the promotion of this focus has paid off.

NU has published the results of its Honours 2nd Year. The pass rate is 92.66%.
Honours 2nd year Result Published date
The National University Bangladesh authorities have announced that the National University Honours 2nd Year Result Date 2023 will be made public in the last week of May. However, the official notice will be published shortly on the official website when the date is revealed officially. If there’s a final decision on the dispatch date, we’ll update the info on this page immediately. Honours 2nd Year Result 2023 Marksheet
Now, students are all waiting for their NU.A.C.BD Result Honours Result 2nd Year. After the exam, finally, the tumoral version is projected. Generally, the results will be published three or four months after the examination. However, this year the results will be published even earlier. As soon as the results are released, students register again to take the exam. If a student faces difficulty in a particular subject, he or she shouldn’t be discouraged. Because he or she will have another opportunity to take the test the following year with a new plan for class. So, don’t be concerned students, you will know your outcome in a little while.
National University Honours 2nd Year Result 2023
In Bangladesh, one of the largest universities is at the rank. National University is a huge college and attracts a lot of students. Many students enrol here. I am also one of them. When I started my first year of higher education, I failed two classes. But I improved those two grades in my sophomore year.
How to check Honours 2nd year Result?
National University Honour’s second-year result can be checked via two modes. One is by going to your Result on the Result Publication website, and the other method is by sending an SMS.
There are two websites to check Honours Second Year Result. One is results and the other is results. You can use either select to search.
Honours 2nd year Result Online
If you visit both our websites, then you can access the 2nd Year Result of the National University. The official website is, so you can check out the Result. From the second webpage,, the results will be accessible.
www nubd info results
Visit the www website to check information regarding your honours second-year result easily. This portal is a great, fast resource. You will be provided with information regarding your Honours 2nd Year Result in a simplified and efficient manner. You can review your Result by name online with the nubd/ndinfo.nc17 Results Guide 2nd year, you may follow the instructions below.
- Visit website
- Go to the Result Menu.
- Go to the “Honours” Option
- Type Your Registration Number
- Write your Exam Year (2023).
- Press the “Search Result” button.
www nu ac bd results
The award site is the official site where National University publishes the second-year exam result. This means you can subscribe to your Honours 2nd Year Result 2023 on this website. This is the National University Result archive. To learn about your Result on this page, follow the steps below.
- Visit
- Go to the Honours Option
- Click on the “Second Year” Option
- Write your Exam Roll (Optional), Registration Number
- Write your Exam Year (It should be 2023)
- Complete the Security Check
- Press the “Search Result” button.
NU Honours 2nd Year Result by SMS
The easiest way to know the Honours 2nd Year Result 2023 session 2019-20 is by sending an SMS. You will have the opportunity to check the Result by sending a single message. Afterwards, the results are going to be published, you need to send an SMS from any GSM operator. Any GSM operator will be informed of the result in a reply. To Know the result of the 2nd Year Exam in 2023, Follow the instruction below.
Step-1: Go to Your Mobile Phone Message Option.
Step-2: Go to the “New Message/Write Message” Option.
Step-3: Write- NU <space> H2 <space> Registration Number (Example: NU H2 123456789)
Step-4: Send this Message to 16222.
NU H2 123456 >>16222

NU 2nd Year Result FAQs
Q: How can I check my 2nd year Honours result?
A: You can check your 2nd year Honours result by visiting our or the Official website.
Q: How to get nu 2nd Year Result by SMS?
A: You can get your nu 2nd-year result by SMS by following these steps:
1. Go to your phone’s messaging app and create a new message.
2. Type “NU H2 Registration Number” in the message field.
3. Send the message to “16222”.
4. You will receive a message back with your result.
Q: How can I see NU 2ND Year result?
A: You can see the NU 2ND Year results on the official website of the National University. Go to the website and click on “Result” at the top of the page. Then select “2nd Year Result” from the drop-down menu. Enter your roll number and hit the “Submit” button. Your result will be displayed on the next page.
Q: How can I get the NU 2ND Year result in mobile?
A: You can get NU 2ND Year results on mobile by going to the official website of the university and clicking on the “results” tab. You can then select your course and year, and the results will be displayed on the screen.
Q: How can I check my Honours 2nd Year Result 2023?
A: You can check your Honours 2nd Year Result 2023 on the official website of the university.
Final Word:
The National University Honours Second Year Result 2023 is anticipated by students and their parents. The 2nd Year Results will be published on May 2023. Candidates can verify their results from the official website and the National University through SMS and email.
Hope you all get your First Class National University Course Honours 2nd Year Result 2023; Session 2019-20.
oners 1st year